Shawn Worthy

Degree: Ph.D.


Department: Human Services and Counseling

Shawn Worthy


Athletics/Sports Bullying Children/Youth Issues Family Dynamics High-Risk Youth Issues Human Services Marijuana Men's Health Outdoor Recreation/Sports Physical Fitness Psychology/Mental Health Sports Psychology Suicide Workplace Issues


  • Gender differences in extreme sports
  • Psychology and performance of high-risk/extreme sports athletes
  • Sports training and fear
  • Youth adventure therapy
  • Crisis intervention
  • Family dynamics
  • Family systems
  • High-risk youth
  • Teen suicide
  • Parenting
  • Workplace stress
  • Job-family balance


Shawn Worthy, Ph.D., is a professor in the Department of Human Services at Metropolitan State University of Denver.

Worthy began his career as an instructor at Northern Illinois before working in many clinical settings for behavioral and therapeutic services. He joined MSU Denver in 1995 and received tenure in 2002. Worthy has served as the chair of the Human Service Department, as well as the interim vice president of the Student Services Division and has also worked as the director of Mentoring and Summer Bridge Programs with Student Services at MSU Denver. He currently serves as the MSU Denver NCAA Faculty Athletic Representative. Worthy has also worked as a clinician and psychotherapist at the Children’s Hospital of Denver and The Urban League of Denver.

He has done research and published work extensively about sports psychology on how all levels of skiers cope with fear. Additionally, Worthy has conducted research on domestic violence, teen suicide and other issues related to children and families. He has worked clinically with adults and teens infected with HIV. Worthy has researched, published and presented at many conferences and workshops striving to understand diversity as it pertains to engaging people of color. He currently serves on several community boards and commissions, which focus on youth and violence.

Worthy received his doctorate and master’s in clinical psychology from Northern Illinois University.

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