Sara Hertwig

December 15, 2022

Arts and Culture

PHOTOS: MSU Denver’s annual ‘Holiday Card to the City’ concert celebrates the season

After two years of digital performances, the Department of Music’s signature holiday event returns to the King Center stage.

Sara Hertwig

December 15, 2022

Sleigh bells rang. Dancers dashed. Drummer boys drummed. Students, faculty and guests performed an array of musical numbers at Metropolitan State University of Denver’s ‘Holiday Card to the City’ Dec. 9 and 10 at the King Center.

The concert featured the Department of Music’s Festival Choir and Symphonic Band, African Drum and Dance Ensemble, Jazz Combo, and Student and Faculty Chamber Groups, among other performers. It marked the first live performance of the holiday extravaganza since 2019.

RELATED PHOTOS: Performers dazzle at the Viva Southwest Mariachi Festival

For a full list of upcoming performances, visit the King Center website.


MSU Denver’s Festival Choir performs.
MSU Denver’s Jazz Combo performs.
Michelle and Bradley Thompson perform.
MSU Denver’s Mokomba Ensemble performs.
MSU Denver’s African Drum and Dance Ensemble performs.
MSU Denver’s Robert Wagner, symphonic band director, conducts.
MSU Denver’s Festival Choir performs.
Asley Stitt, harp, and Ethan Tatreau, guitar, perform.
Michael Kornelsen, professor emeritus, conducts.
MSU Denver’s Festival Choir and Symphonic Band perform.
From left to right: Michael Kornelsen, Robert Wagner, MB Krueger and Janine Davidson stand after a performance.

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