Criminal Justice/Criminology Cybersecurity Data Security/Hacking ReligionExpertise
- Cybersecurity from a criminology standpoint
- Criminology / Criminal behavior
- Political theory/philosophy
- International security
- International politics
- Violent societies and violent outbreaks
- Nonlinear dynamics
- Religions of the world
- Conflict resolution
Meg Bertoni, Ph.D., is an affiliate professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Metropolitan State University of Denver. Her courses taught include Criminal Justice and the Social Structure, Criminological Theories, Institutional Corrections, Introduction to Corrections and Criminal Justice System, Juvenile Justice, Victimology, Research Methods and Statistics, Punishment and Society, White Collar Crime, Undergraduate Capstone in Cybersecurity and graduate-level Theories of Cybercrime.
Bertoni has spent nearly three decades working in higher education. She has taught courses and seminars in multiple disciplines, from humanities to social and behavioral sciences, to STEM and specializes in cross-disciplinary theory and methods. Her areas of research are in transnational crime, international security (including cybersecurity) and applications of nonlinear dynamics to problems in the social and behavioral sciences. She has conducted research projects about everything from policy issues and voting behavior, to national hurricane insurance, traffic patterns, how people make investment decisions, stranded energy assets and optimal orchard design.
Bertoni received her Ph.D. in international relations from the Korbel School of International Studies at the University of Denver in 2007, her master’s in world religion and conflict resolution from Harvard University in 1994 and her bachelor’s in literature and publishing from Emerson College in 1992.
Students shield Coloradoans from thousands of cyberattacks
Participants in MSU Denver’s Centurion Secured program are protecting smaller organizations from hackers while gaining real-world experience.
Cyber students help protect civic institutions vulnerable to hackers
MSU Denver’s PISCES program provides cybersecurity monitoring for organizations throughout Colorado and gives students real-world experience in the process.
Cybersecurity student aims to help diversify the workforce
A lack of representation in the field led Niquete Dominique to establish the Women in Cybersecurity organization for MSU Denver students.
The future of cyberwar
The U.S. rallies its cyberdefenses as the Russia-Ukraine conflict escalates on and off the battlefield.
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