Amanda Schwengel

September 30, 2019

Science and Technology

VIDEO: System reboot

Here’s how one domestic violence survivor is using computer-repair skills to provide others with the technology they need to restart their lives.

Amanda Schwengel

September 30, 2019


Jenn Cassidy understands what domestic violence survivors need to reboot their lives because she’s a survivor herself.

After escaping her abuser, Cassidy immersed herself in education, earning a Puksta Scholarship to attend Metropolitan State University of Denver where she’s pursuing an individualized degree with a focus in computer science. Now, she’s putting those technical skills to work, repairing computers, tablets and smartphones for donation to shelters assisting domestic violence survivors.

Her ultimate goal is to use her degree to help break the cycle of dependency and abuse as a teacher providing domestic violence survivors computer skills so that they’re not just working to survive but thriving in life and the workforce.

She knows how hard that can be for domestic violence survivors. But she also knows a reboot is possible.

“If you keep moving forward,” she said, “you see that things get better.”

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