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Devon Wright
Associate Professor
Sociology and Anthropology
- Black Social Movements
- Conservative Right-Wing Social Movements
- White Supremacist Ideology and Racist Rhetoric in Conservative Right-Wing Media Organizations, the Politics of Hip-Hop Culture
JaLisa Williams
Affiliate Professor
Social Work
- Mindfulness Based Interventions for Race Based Trauma
- Black Generational Healing
- Yoga
- Social justice
- Radical Pedagogies
Jessica Ritter
Social Work
- Child Welfare
- Child Abuse and Neglect
- Children’s Rights
- Political Activism
Katherine Miller
Affiliate Professor/Victim Services Coordinator
Gender Institute for Teaching and Advocacy
- Women’s rights
- Interpersonal violence (relationship/domestic violence, sexual violence, stalking)
- Human trafficking
- Violence against women
- Victim blaming
- Feminism
- White privilege and white supremacy
- Psychological trauma
Katia Campbell
Associate Dean and Professor
Communication Studies
- Freedom of Speech (related to communication studies and democracy)
- Diversity Studies
- Equity and Inclusion in Academia and K-12
- Rhetoric/Persuasion
- Dialogue and Civic Engagement
Manuel Del Real
Executive Director of HSI Initiatives and Inclusion
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- HSI/Minority Serving Institutions
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
- Greek-Letter Organizations
- Civic Engagement
- Title V Grants
- National Science Foundation Grants
- Culturally Responsive Pedagogy and Curriculum
Michael Benitez
Vice President for Diversity and Inclusion
Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- Leadership and identity development, intersectionality
- Race and ethnicity
- Knowledge production
- Critical and inclusive pedagogy/practice
- Multicultural education
- Quality, diversity and inclusion in higher education
Ramon Del Castillo
Retired Professor
Chicana/o Studies
- Latino public policy issues and concerns
- Diversity in American society
- Chicana/o studies
- Latino youth leadership development
- Poetry
Sheldon Steinhauser
Associate Professor Emeritus
Sociology and Anthropology
- Aging issues
- Aging population
- Social issues of aging
- Transgenerational communications
- Life expectancy and societal impact
- Diversity
- Civil rights
- Aging workplace
- Elderly in the workplace
- Retirement
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Tim Carroll, APR
Senior Director of Media & Public Relations
Valeria Quiroz Bello
Media Relations Specialist & Writer